The Company’ warrants that its Artekk Large Format Porcelain Panel products are manufactured and tested to Australian Standards, fit for all of the purposes for which goods of this kind are commonly supplied (“intended purpose”) and compliant with the relevant Building Code for a period of 25 years from date of original purchase, and colourfast and durable for the lifetime of the Panels.
Artekk Sintered Large Format Architectural Porcelain Panels are beautiful, durable, precisely engineered works of art, with a scale and range of surface design that provides incredible creative design advantages, delivering imagery only achievable on a ‘Big canvass’ as used by the masters.
To the owners added delight, Artekk APP large format and dimensional integrity facilitate real economy of scale in time and related cost of installation, not available via the use of alternate materials whilst delivering their personal in-house masterpiece.
Artekk large format APP’s allow owners and architects to design and create the feel and freedom of spectacular and unique open space living environments, as broad and individual as their imagination pallet.